Mastering Blog Writing: Essential Tips for Small Business Success

Prioritize Your Blog: Unlocking the Power of Consistent Content Creation

I encourage our clients and leads to start or revive their blogs at least three times a week. A broken record, sure. But blogging is the ONE thing you need to be doing for your small business that you are probably avoiding left and right.

It’s a lot. It is a big commitment and the urgency everywhere to produce content is huge. I see you and I am you-still! Even as I write this post.

There are a ton of things that demand your time as a small business owner and blogging is not a mountain for scaling today-but I’m here to tell you things that get prioritized get done. So book the time in your calendar and commit to it and you’ll reap the rewards from this time investment almost immediately. Overwhelmed with where to start? Here are some tips to get you up and published in no time.

Building an Editorial Strategy: A Roadmap to Engaging and SEO-friendly Blogging

White space and a blinking cursor is not where you want to be when you have about thirty minutes left in your workday and a blog to write.

A good editorial plan rotates topics, keeps you on track to vary the content fresh, taps into the SEO your posts need for that boost in Google and most importantly: solves the problems your clients have. This editorial strategy is a gameplan, a roadmap, a framework all rolled into one. It’s the only way our posts get written and I can tell you from experience without it-our blog doesn’t stand a chance of getting written each week! Need help making a plan? We can help you!

SEO Optimization: Writing for Humans, Consistency, and Strategic Keyword Usage

We get asked all the time how the blog works as a SEO gold mine and how to optimize it. Here are the top three ways to make sure that your posts are working for you:

  1. Write content for humans, not robots

  2. Write consistently at whatever interval you want, just be consistent above all else.

  3. Use headings and pull out keywords and phrases you want to rank for.

The Power of Call to Actions (CTAs): Driving Engagement and Conversions

Your blog is there to position you as an expert, help you in search, but it’s also there to solve your clients problems. It can answer burning questions and be a dynamic resource for your business. It’s also a primary driver of inbound marketing. You want a post that catches the eye of your audience, gives them some tools or tips that work and also call them to your side as their guide. Whether it’s a consultation, intake form, free report, make sure your blogs all have a clear tie back to your business and the people it serves.

Blogs are valuable and also a big lift to get off the ground. We help our clients at all stages of their blog development. So if you’re a new business just starting out, an existing business with a ton of content to optimize, or a lapsed writer who knows she needs to get back out there in blogging land, we can help you lighten the load. Our team of experts is the dream team you need to help you be more strategic, save time and get results. Contact us and we’ll reach out same day to get the ball rolling!

Happy writing! You’ve got this, and we can’t wait to read all about it on your blog.

Anchorlight Creative

I help women small business owners by building out websites & creating marketing strategy that works.

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